2022 General Election Turnout
View statewide overall voter turnout data for the 2022 general election, as well as data for absentee by-mail and early voting. The statistics on this page were generated using voter registration stats and voter history stats for the 2022 general election and will be updated as new data become available.
Demographic breakdowns of voter turnout will be available once counties have finalized their voter history data.
Overall Turnout
This section provides North Carolina voter turnout data for the 2022 general election, for all voting methods.
Voting Method | Number of Voters Who Voted |
Early Voting | 2,010,355 |
Absentee By-Mail | 187,746 |
In Person on Election Day | 1,578,545 |
Provisional | 10,258 |
Total | 3,786,904 |
Source: history_stats_20221108.zip
Voter Turnout, by Party Affiliation
Party | Voters Who Voted | Turnout |
Democratic | 1,283,988 | 51.3% |
Republican | 1,303,696 | 58.6% |
Unaffiliated | 1,183,891 | 44.8% |
Libertarian | 15,123 | 30.0% |
Green | 206 | 69.8% |
Voter Turnout, by Age Group
Age Group | Voters Who Voted | Turnout |
Age 18-25 | 233,441 | 24.1% |
Age 26-40 | 629,298 | 34.2% |
Age 41-65 | 1,743,544 | 59.0% |
Age 66+ | 1,180,621 | 71.3% |
Voter Turnout, by Race
Race | Voters Who Voted | Turnout |
Asian | 45,352 | 39.0% |
Black or African American | 629,919 | 41.8% |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 20,148 | 37.0% |
Two Or More Races | 14,665 | 34.3% |
Other | 68,957 | 29.3% |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander | 208 | 34.2% |
Undesignated | 211,146 | 32.8% |
White | 2,796,509 | 58% |
Voter Turnout, by Ethnicity
Ethnicity | Voters Who Voted | Turnout |
Hispanic or Latino | 68,071 | 25.8% |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 2,879,536 | 55.1% |
Undesignated | 839,297 | 43.4% |
Absentee By-Mail and Early Voting
This section includes data related to absentee and early voting in the 2022 general election. For additional absentee and early voting trends, see the Absentee Stats reports for the 2022 general election.
Absentee Ballot Type | Voters Who Voted |
Early Voting | 2,010,890 |
Absentee By-Mail: Civilian | 179,210 |
Absentee By-Mail: Military | 1,967 |
Absentee By-Mail: Overseas | 6,483 |
Total | 2,198,550 |
Source: absentee_counts_state_20221108.csv
Absentee and Early Voting Turnout, by Party Affiliation
Party | Voters Who Voted | Turnout |
Democratic | 840,205 | 33.59% |
Republican | 682,377 | 30.67% |
Unaffiliated | 669,831 | 25.37% |
Libertarian | 5,997 | 11.92% |
Green | 140 | 53.23% |
Source: absentee_counts_state_20221108.csv