FAQ: Election Day Voting

Find answers to your questions about Election Day voting on this page. For a detailed overview, see Vote in Person on Election Day. To learn about the next election, visit Upcoming Election.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina. For most voters, they will simply show their driver’s license. But there are many other acceptable photo IDs. Learn more at Voter ID.

Most would-be voters are not eligible to register and vote on Election Day. Eligible would-be voters who become naturalized U.S. citizens or whose rights of citizenship are restored after serving a felony sentence ahead of Election Day, but after the regular voter registration deadline, may register and vote during early voting or on Election Day.

No voter should be turned away. If questions arise about a voter’s eligibility to vote, the voter may vote a provisional ballot. For more information, see our Provisional Voting page.

See our Voting Technology page.

Voters who need assistance at the polls must request that assistance. Individuals who are unable to enter the polling place may vote curbside. See our Curbside Voting page. Once inside the polling place, voters who experience difficulties should request help from an election worker.

No. State law prohibits photographing or videotaping a voted ballot under Limited access to the voting enclosure (N.C.G.S. § 163-166.3).

Photographing a marked ballot is illegal in part because the photographs could be used as proof of a vote for a candidate in a vote-buying scheme. Electronic communication while voting is prohibited because of limits on voter assistance and to prevent disruptions in the voting place.

Voters may bring voting guides, notes, and other materials into the voting booth. Voters are allowed to have phones or electronic devices with them to access a slate card or candidate information while voting, if the devices are not used to photograph or videotape a ballot or communicate with anyone via voice, text, email, or any other method.

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