Topics Related to Board decisions

The State Board of Elections on Thursday appointed three members to the Bladen County Board of Elections, but declined to appoint additional nominees who had served on that Board in the recent past.
The N.C. State Board of Elections on Monday appointed Karen Brinson Bell as the Board’s executive director, the chief state elections official, effective June 1.
The State Board of Elections on Thursday (May 23) certified the results of the 3rd Congressional District primary election, which was held April 30.
The State Board of Elections on Thursday postponed a decision on whether to certify three new voting systems for use in North Carolina elections.
The State Board of Elections on Tuesday unanimously selected Damon Circosta as State Board chair. The 5-0 vote came after State Board Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell swore in Circosta as a member of the State Board. He replaces former Chair Bob Cordle, who recently resigned.
The State Board of Elections on Friday certified the voting systems of three vendors for use in North Carolina elections. The newly approved systems, which are all used in other states, are: Clear Ballot: ClearVote 1.4; Elections Systems & Software (ES&S): EVS; Hart InterCivic: Verity Voting 2.2
The State Board of Elections on Friday approved modifications to a certified election system for use in North Carolina that improve the security and functionality of the system.
The State Board of Elections on Friday signed off on the 2020 presidential primary candidates nominated by North Carolina’s five recognized political parties – Constitution, Democratic, Green, Libertarian and Republican.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted Tuesday to extend voting at one precinct in Bertie County after a brief voting disruption at the site earlier in the day.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted Tuesday to extend voting at one precinct in Forsyth County after a temporary voting disruption at the site.