Notice of Candidacy
Learn about how and where to file your notice of candidacy on this page. See Filing for Candidacy for additional candidate requirements. Candidates must pay the filing fee when they file a notice of candidacy. Find more information at Filing Fees.
Filing a Notice of Candidacy
Any person seeking to become a candidate must file a notice of candidacy form.* On this page, download a notice of candidacy form and find information about how and where to file.
*Notices of candidacy may not be delivered by surrogates or staff. Only the candidate may file the notice of candidacy and pay the filing fee in person at the appropriate board of elections. Alternatively, a candidate may have the candidate’s signature on the notice of candidacy acknowledged and certified by an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and administer oaths (e.g., a notary), in which case the candidate may mail or deliver by commercial courier service the candidate’s notice of candidacy to the appropriate board of elections. Please note that the candidate is not considered to have filed their mailed notice of candidacy until the appropriate board of elections receives it, provided it was before the end of the filing period.
The Form to File
Any person seeking to become a candidate must file the appropriate notice of candidacy form:
Where to File
Candidates for the following office types must file their notice of candidacy with the State Board of Elections:
- National offices
- State offices
- Superior court judge
- District court judge
- District attorney
Candidates for North Carolina State Senator, State House Representative, and all county and local offices must file their notice of candidacy with their county board of elections. Find upcoming candidate filing periods and filing location information at Running for Office.
Mailing Your Notice of Candidacy
Please use the following address for USPS when mailing your notice of candidacy:
PO Box 27255
Raleigh, NC 27611-7255
Notices sent by FedEx or UPS overnight will require a physical address:
Third Floor
430 N. Salisbury St.
6400 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27603-1362
How to Fill out the Name When Filing
No title, appendage, or appellation indicating rank, status, or position shall be printed on the official ballot in connection with a candidate’s name, though candidates may use the title Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms. Legitimate nicknames may be permitted on official ballots, but only if listed on the notice of candidacy. The nickname, which appears in parentheses on the ballot, may not mislead voters or unduly advertise the candidacy.
If a candidate is providing an affidavit to permit the use of a nickname with his or her legal last name, the affidavit shall include the way the ballot shall list the candidate’s name (as permitted by law) in the event that another candidate with the same last name files for the same office. The table below provides examples of what is and what is not acceptable for the candidate’s name on ballot if the candidate’s name is George Eugene Smith.
Download the State Board of Elections Nickname Guide (PDF) for a printable version of this content.
Candidate Name on Ballots | Allowed (Example) | Not Allowed (Example) |
| George Smith Eugene Smith | (N/A) |
| G. Smith G.E. Smith George E. Smith G. Eugene Smith | George S. G.E.S. |
| George Smith George Smith, Jr. George Smith III | George Smith, Esq. George Smith, MD |
| Mr. George Smith | General George Smith Judge George Smith Hon. George Smith |
| George (Joey)Smith George E. (Joey) Smith George Eugene (Joey) Smith Eugene (Joey) Smith Joey Smith | George (Da Bomb) Smith George (Vote For Me) Smith George (The Judge) Smith George (Winner) Smith |
| George Eugene-Smith (how candidate’s name appears on the voter registration record) | George Eugene Smith (not allowed unless voter registration has been updated) |