Vote in Honor of a Veteran
Request a Personalized Pin
The Vote in Honor of a Veteran Program provides North Carolinians an opportunity to pay tribute to those who have served this country in the Armed Forces. Any voter can honor a veteran on any Election Day by requesting a pin. Pins are provided for free by the State Board of Elections. Each pin can be personalized with the name of the veteran a voter wishes to honor.
Student Updated Design
We are proud to announce, in 2021, an updated design for the Vote in Honor of a Veteran pin. The State Board worked with a Wake Technical Community College graphic design course to redesign the pin.
The class — Design Apps III — is a project-based course taught by Alison Consol, where students create design solutions for specific scenarios, which often can be real-world with real clients. Sixteen students completed the pin project. The State Board selected the design created by Blair Canady, a student from Pender County.
“My initial idea for this design was to create a piece that was bold and simple, that would quickly catch attention and deliver a message,” Canady said. “I took basic ideas and recognizable symbols and tried to give them a fresh life that would tie together state and country, past and future, and citizens and veterans all in one design.”
The State Board appreciates the efforts of Canady and the other students in Consol’s class.

To request a personalized pin, complete the form below.