
Keep reading to learn about the voter registration deadline in North Carolina. For more information, check out FAQ: Voter Registration.

Civilian Voter Registration Deadline

The civilian voter registration deadline in North Carolina is 25 days before Election Day.

Mail-in Voter Registration Applications

Your county board of elections must receive your completed application, postmarked by the voter registration deadline and received no later than 20 days before a primary or election. Otherwise, your application will not be processed until after the election. Learn more at Complete Your Registration by Mail.

Through Voter Registration Agencies

Certain agencies are required to offer voter registration services. Learn more at National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). If you register in person or online through the DMV or another voter registration agency, your application will be timely if it is received by that agency at least 25 days before the election. Learn about online voter registration at Complete Your Registration Online Through the DMV.

Did You Miss the Civilian Voter Registration Deadline?

Individuals who are not registered to vote in a county may register at early voting sites during the early voting period. After registering, the newly registered voter can immediately vote at that same site. This process is called “same-day registration.” When you check in to vote at an early voting site, you may also update your name or address within the same county if necessary. Learn more at Register in Person During Early Voting.

Military and Overseas Citizens Voter Registration Deadline

The federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) allows certain voters an expedited means to register and vote by mail-in ballot. If you are a military or overseas voter, the voter registration deadline is 5 p.m. on the day before the election. Learn more at Military and Overseas Voting.

Who Can Register on Election Day?

Most would-be voters are not eligible to register and vote on Election Day. Eligible would-be voters who become naturalized U.S. citizens or whose rights of citizenship are restored after serving a felony sentence ahead of Election Day, but after the regular voter registration deadline, may register and vote during early voting or on Election Day.

Visit Register in Person During Early Voting for details on how to register and vote during the early voting period. Or, see Vote in Person on Election Day to learn about casting your ballot on Election Day. For guidance about registering to vote while incarcerated or after completing a felony sentence, visit Registering as a Person in the Criminal Justice System.

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