The State Board of Elections will hold a meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 6, 2019, in the Agency’s board room located on the Third Floor of the Dobbs
Building, 430 N. Salisbury Street in Raleigh.
One-Stop, in-person early voting begins Wednesday (April 24) in the Republican primary election for the 9th Congressional District, which includes all or parts of eight counties – Anson, Bladen, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, Richmond, Robeson, Scotland and Union.
“One-Stop,” in-person early voting is under way for primary voters in the 3rd Congressional District, which includes 17 counties in Eastern North Carolina and stretches from Camp Lejeune to the Virginia border. The early voting period ends Friday, April 26.
The State Board of Elections on Thursday appointed three members to the Bladen County Board of Elections, but declined to appoint additional nominees who had served on that Board in the recent past.
The State Board of Elections will hold a teleconference meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2019, at the below dial-in: Line: (562) 247-8422 Code: 875-443-463.
The State Board of Elections on Friday released a list of tribal, student and employee identification cards that are approved to meet photo ID requirements for voting beginning with the 2020 elections.
State Board of Elections staff will host a public hearing Wednesday, March 13, to receive comments on proposed rules regarding the implementation of North Carolina’s new voter identification requirement.
Statement from Kim Westbrook Strach, executive director of the State Board of Elections, in response to the federal grand jury subpoena issued to the State Board regarding the 9th Congressional District election fraud investigation