Public Comment Portal: Petition Rules

Submitted by bvalentine1 on

Comment on Proposed Rules

The State Board of Elections invites the public to comment on a series of proposed rules to govern the conduct of petitions and to ensure transparency in the process for petitioners, the county boards of elections, and the State Board.

The rules comprise a new Chapter 22 of Title 8 in the administrative code for the agency’s rules. Read the full text PDF of the proposed rules. This link includes the entire proposed Chapter 22, because some rules refer back to other rules in the proposed chapter. These rules have been divided into sections based on subject matter, as described below, and can also be read on a section-by-section basis using the links below. Descriptions of each individual rule can be read on the State Board’s Rulemaking webpage.

The public comment period opens March 17, 2025, and closes at 11:59 p.m. on May 16, 2025. Submitted comments will be compiled and provided to the State Board for its review before its final consideration of the proposed rules.

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