Public Comment Portal: Campaign Finance Rules

Submitted by bvalentine1 on

Comment on Proposed Rules

The State Board of Elections invites the public to comment on several proposed rules and rule amendments related to the campaign finance disclosure process.

Proposed rule amendments:

  • The proposed amendment to Reporting of Independent Expenditures (08 NCAC 21 .0102) (PDF) and the proposed amendment to Electronic Filing (08 NCAC 21 .0106) (PDF) facilitate the filing of electronic disclosure reports by clarifying the email address that  electronically signed report covers should be sent to and by clarifying that there is no requirement to file a copy of the report with the county board of elections when a a data file and electronically signed disclosure report cover is filed with the State Board of Elections. The proposed amendment to 08 NCAC 21 .0106 also updates the rule citation for missing disclosure reports.

Proposed rules:

  • Proposed rule Reporting Periods (08 NCAC 21 .0108) (PDF) requires that a committee treasurer not sign or file a disclosure report cover until the calendar day after the statutorily prescribed period end date.
  • Proposed rule Inactive Status for a Candidate or Committee (08 NCAC 21 .0204) (PDF) implements G.S. § 163-278.10 and establishes that, to obtain inactive status, the treasurer must file a disclosure report that shows no contributions or expenditures during the reporting period and a certification regarding the inactive status. The proposed rule also describes what actions must be taken after committee activity resumes accepting contributions and making expenditures. The proposed rule also clarifies that expenditures for de minimis bank fees and postage will not impact a committee’s inactive status.

The public comment period opens March 17, 2025, and closes at 11:59 p.m. on May 16, 2025. Submitted comments will be compiled and provided to the State Board for its review before its final consideration of the proposed rules.

For more information about the rulemaking process, please visit Rulemaking.

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